Pigs In Blankets


PIGS IN BLANKETS is an uplifting series about Helen Coates (Michelle Collins), a middle-aged businesswoman facing financial ruin after the pandemic. Unexpectedly inheriting a pig farm in Ireland from a previously unknown brother, her life takes a dramatic turn. 

Helen is a successful PR agency owner in London, but her life takes a downturn with her husband's affair, her son leaving for university, and financial struggles due to Covid. She is hanging on by a thread, with clients deserting the company and her best employees leaving “a sinking ship”. She has always been a good friend, often supporting those in need with a ready shoulder, or credit free loan. Her house has been on the market for a year, her love life is non-existent, and her former business partner and best friend Sue is in a home for Dementia patients.

Comedy and tragedy may be twin art forms in drama, but they are the yin and yang of life and so out of the tragedy of her half-brother Seamus’s suicide, Helen inherits a pig farm in the West of Ireland and a family until now, unknown to her, with a host of uncles, aunts and cousins. Helen arrives in Mayo, hoping to sell on the farm quickly and inject the cash into Smile but is drawn into unraveling the mystery behind her half-brother’s suicide which seems to have some suspicious ties to a local farmer and businessman Joe Kennedy, who owns half the town, and acts like its feudal lord.

Rearing pigs is not an obvious career change for someone like Helen, but she is a woman scorned and has formidable skills. She fights to earn the respect of the town and to lay claim to her land as a true Coleman. In the process she learns who she is and what she is made of.

Original idea by Michelle Collins 

Starring Michelle Collins

Status: Development

For pitch deck contact dmdn@silvermountainproductions.tv

Running Time

6 x 1 Hour Episodes


TV Series


Len Collins


Len Collins